Success without Hard work is Possible

Umair Babar
3 min readJan 29, 2022

From childhood, people around us have injected this to us that hard work is everything. You need to work hard as hard you can do to be successful. Hard work is the key to success. You need to work day and night to become successful. And honestly, these are all just myths. Hear me out, yes these are myths. I am not saying whatever you are doing right now stop doing that, stop working, this is not my point. The point is hard work is not the key to success, the key to success is something else. Obviously, I will talk about that. But before, let’s take an example of my friend's father here. He is working hard his ass off for more than 35 years but still couldn’t get to any point, faced failure, why is that? Because as I said hard work is not the key to success. He did hard work, no doubt to that but maybe not in the right direction. Maybe he did was something he was not supposed to be doing that. Maybe he wasn’t consistent enough, maybe he wasn’t mature enough. This is one example, I have tons of examples around me. Let’s move to the next example. I know this guy, he started working on youtube as a Tech YouTuber back in 2016 and worked his ass off. He created more than 1000 videos but faced failure, why? he wasn’t consistent with his content and he wasn’t mature with his content. So, working hard for 5 years is a kinda wasted. If not hard-working then what? Keep hard work there too but not make it the only thing. There are a few things which are more important than hard work.

Let’s begin with the first one, which is Consistency.


Consistent with your work, consistent with your goals are way more important than working day and night. Consistency is the key to success, consistency with your passion, with your life goals, can take you to a much better place than working day and night could. Do you want to lose weight? Do hard work, do workouts day and night but don’t keep consistency, will you lose weight? do in the first week and skip a couple of weeks, do it again. will this help you lose weight? No, Why? there is no consistency. Do less hard work, do small workout sessions but do daily at least, do every weak at least, don’t skip your gyms, keep consistency and you will see results. That's the power of Consistency.

Let’s get to the second thing which is being mature.


Being mature about your goals is very important. Being mature with your life is very important. What does this mean? Let me explain, You should know what you are doing? you should know the end result of whatever you are doing, when you keep end result in your mind before doing it, you came out to be more successful, more productive. People are gonna make fun of you, people are gonna talk about you, people are gonna distract you from your goals but when you are mature enough about your life about your goals, these people will not matter for you. Always welcome constructive feedback, but other than this, just ignore and work on your goals.

Be consistent, Be Mature with your goals, your passion you will be successful sooner or later but you will be. Work smart, not hard. What do you learn from this? What do you think about this, What is your feedback about this? Everything is welcome in the comments. Let me know.

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

